
Ua Conchubhair (Seán) (translator)

  • d. 1391?
  • Ó Conchubhair (Seán) ... translator
  • authors, scholars
  • (agents)
Seán Ua/Ó Conchubhair, Irish scholar, or possibly scholars of the same name, credited with the translation into Irish of the Dialogus de passione Christi attributed to St Anselm and the Liber de passione Christi attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux. AFM s.a. 1391 records the killing of one Seaan mac Mathgamhna Uí Choncobhair. Their names may but need not refer to the same person.

See also: Ó Conchubhair familyÓ Conchubhair family
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Secondary sources (select)

Skerrett, R. A. Q., “Fiarfaidhi San Anselmuis”, Celtica 7 (1966): 163–187.
Skerrett, R. A. Q., “Two Irish translations of the Liber de passione Christi”, Celtica 6 (1963): 82–117.
Flower, Robin, Catalogue of Irish manuscripts in the [British Library, formerly the] British Museum, vol. 2, London: British Museum, 1926.
– IIIF Presentation API v2: View in Mirador – IIIF Presentation API v3: View in Mirador
532–533; 561–562
Williams, J. E. Caerwyn, and Patrick K. Ford, The Irish literary tradition, Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1992.
144 Mentions a Seán Ó Conchubhair of Roscommon, who died in 1405.
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Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
October 2016, last updated: April 2021